As part of Charlotte Eve Songwriting Academy we are now offering songwriting courses online.
Since the pandemic started we have experimented with running songwriting camps remotely over Zoom and it has proven to be a big success with songwriters finding it a more convenient, creative and more flexible way to access songwriting training and inspiration.
Our 2 day weekend Songwriting Camps are designed to give you the framework, support and encouragement to improve on your songwriting or even start for the first time. Over a Saturday and Sunday Charlotte Eve will work with a small group of you over Zoom setting you song briefs, giving you feedback and facilitating you to bring out the very best of your talents. Some songwriting theory and exploration of other works will be thrown in too. It’s professional and engaging but you’ll also find the experience supportive and relaxed. You will be amazed how much you can write and create in a short space of time when someone is setting you the briefs and deadlines.
Who is it designed for?
Anyone who wants to write songs. Experienced writers will find the course helps them move on to new projects and get them fired up again and those of you who have never written before will unlock your potential and discover new sides to your music you never knew you had.
The course is designed for songwriters working in any genre of music. Charlotte Eve mainly composes pop songs (and classical music for other projects) but every good song has the same principles what ever genre it is written in. So whether you are writing dance tunes on Logic or acoustic songs on the guitar, this course will work well for you.
When is it?
2024 course dates so far:
Coming soon. Please contact [email protected] to register your interest be the first to know 2024 dates.
What will the course include?
Each day will start at 10am with a songwriting lesson and a song brief being set. You will then have until 3.30pm to work on your music when we will come back together again to share what we have done. A brief may even be set for you to complete that evening ready for the next morning. The course is designed to be fun so there are no worries if you do not come up with songs in the short turn around times but you’ll be amazed how you probably will! At the end of the 2 days you should have a selection of new songs to be proud of and hopefully a new or renewed confidence and passion for songwriting.
How will it work ?
The teaching and group sharing of songs will take place over Zoom. If you have not got Zoom or are unsure how to use it, don’t worry we will talk you though it and help you get set up – its very easy! You can also join Zoom for FREE. We will only have up to 6 people on the Lockdown Songwriting Camp to ensure it works smoothly over Zoom and everyone gets to take part fully.
How much is it?
The 2 day songwriting camp is £150 per person.
Who is your tutor?
Charlotte Eve is an experienced professional songwriter. She has released music to critical acclaim, had songs featured in major BBC Bafta winning drama, and regularly has songs and compositions featured in film and TV around the world. She predominantly composes on the piano. Have a listen to some of her recent work:
Charlotte’s single One Love can be viewed here on Youtube. Recorded at Konk, London.
Follow The Sun has been released on Big Screen Music and featured on Channel 4 recently.
There’s a selection of other works to listen to for free on SoundCloud.

Andrew who attended a Zoom songwriting course in 2021 sent this feedback “Charlotte’s Songwriting Workshop was my first experience of deliberately engaging with the songwriting process. She’s friendly and engaging, providing enough structure and direction to be productive while maintaining a genuinely creative and exciting experience. The group was friendly and welcoming with diverse experience and tastes that led to some interesting takes on each challenge. Before attending I had only written one song in 30 years of playing, after demystifying the process I am actively creating new music whenever I have the chance.”
How do you book your place?
It is expected that the course will fill quickly so please get in touch if you would like to book on our 2022 songwriting camps.
If you would like to book or ask any questions please email [email protected] and ask for a booking form. You will complete the form and email it back and complete a bank transfer for the full fee of £150 to confirm your place. Only a small group of songwriters (up to 6) will be on the course to ensure everyone has plenty of time for individual development.